
Thomas is trying to learn to manage the family farming estate he's inherited, and his wife Rahmi has cheated on him with the town mayor. Their eldest, Rashidah, dislikes the village lifestyle and wants to escape to somewhere more lively.
Rahmi and Thomas were able to patch their relationship back together and somehow keep their farm going while seeing their two youngest through childhood. HOWEVER.

Rashidah's birthday dinner ended in tragedy when her mother Rahmi laughed herself to death at the table. It was one too many jokes, plus the sweet memory of having cooked a meal together as a whole, healed family the day before, launching her mood into uncontrollable hysterics. I couldn't even get a picture - there was no Grim Reaper. Rahmi simply ceased to exist.

That was the prompt Rashidah needed to strike out on her own after all. She gained the Materialistic trait, grabbed her boyfriend Rahul, and jumped ship to a tiny starter home in Newcrest.

Shaken by losing her mother, Rashidah threw herself into training as a doctor, with Rahul on hand to support her.

Rahmi was the only member of the family with a formal job, leaving the family in some difficulty. They'd inherited a big farmhouse and had to make ยง5000 a week just for taxes, solely on farm produce. Daughter Maira was now the house's best chef and she loves to cook.

Thomas was in charge of the household's livestock - they have a chicken coop, a cow, and a couple of mini sheep giving wool, and he also handles the estate's helpful rabbits.

Imran, as a vegetarian, took charge of managing the field produce. He befriended the town market seller Kim and earned a little from helping her with errands.

Despite this being a tight challenge, they had time on the weekend to head down to the town square and party.

Rashidah slipped up on diagnosing a couple of people, but she lived and learned her way to becoming a GP.

They didn't have much in their basic little Newcrest shack, but on a nice winter walk, Rahul proposed.

Meanwhile, Thomas kept the farm going, growing novelty size vegetables while his two remaining kids went to school.

With a little luck he was able to learn the golden treat recipe and got a golden egg, allowing their coop to slowly transform into a legion of aureate hens.

Maira wasn't as much of an outdoorsy type, and brought Rashidah and her friends over for dinners.

The hens snuck around improving the farm harvests, giving them enough momentum to finally cover their bills.

Thanks Thomas.

Their family was smaller, but they all supported each other and the teens finally completed high school.

Imran was all about the family farm - close to the livestock, vegetarian, happy to spend his time getting the best from their land.

Maira, on the other hand, was more of a social person who enjoyed cooking, and started a career in catering.

Rashidah and Rahul came back to Henford and both sides of the family attended the wedding.

They had a lot to celebrate, with Rashidah promoted to a specialist doctor and a baby on the way. Rahul gained the Cheerful trait.

Imran regularly showed up to Rashidah's townhouse and she returned home every so often to share news and stories.

With Maira having a career mindset and no interest in the family animals and garden, Imran tried to find himself a partner to continue the homestead. He looked for women who shared the Animal Enthusiast trait and went on a date with Haleigh.

Funny kitty hat aside, she was very pretty, and also a Bookworm and Materialistic. She probably liked the idea of country mansion life too, but she and Imran got on really well.

Maira wasn't one for taking care of the animals, but the golden chicken coop was able to hold a modest profit by selling golden eggs alone.

Imran bragged about this to anyone he could.

Haleigh was the type to go out fishing at incredibly early hours, picking up the Loves Outdoors trait to go with her fishing ambitions.

Rahul and Rashidah became regulars at the city's upscale vegan restaurant.

They took their little girl Devika for a summer's day in the Henford park.

Devika got tired out and Rahul tried out painting.

Granddad Thomas regularly visited to make sure everything at the tiny little townhouse was okay.