Welcome to the page where YOU can adopt a shiny pokémon!

I end up with way too many shinies from Legends Arceus and events in Pokémon Go. I want to give them out to anyone who wants one!

These are real, legitimate, unique shinies I caught myself!

Here's how it works:

The trade happens over the GTS. You just need to deposit a common fodder pokemon and send me a request for the shiny you want using the comment form below! This method means there's no chance of anyone losing a valuable pokémon.

The shinies currently available are:


♂️ || Lv3 || Hasty


♀️ || Lv12 || Brave


♂️ || Lv12 || Quirky


♂️ || Lv5 || Serious

Alolan Sandshrew

♀️ || Lv8 || Quiet

Galarian Zigzagoon

♀️ || Lv2 || Modest

Galarian Zigzagoon

♀️ || Lv18 || Lonely

Galarian Zigzagoon

♀️ || Lv7 || Hasty

Galarian Zigzagoon

♂️ || Lv4 || Modest


♂️ || Lv11 || Quiet


♀️ || Lv24 || Calm


♂️ || Lv17 || Naive


♂️ || Lv15 || Modest


♀️ || Lv19 || Calm


♂️ || Lv10 || Careful

To adopt one of these pokémon just do this:

1. Pokémon Home >> Trade >> GTS >> Deposit Pokémon

2. Deposit a common pokémon to trade away

3. For 'Pokémon Wanted' enter the species of shiny you want

4. Drop a comment below with your request, tell me which shiny you want, and don't forget to include the species you deposited so I can find you! (Add details like nature and level to make it even clearer)

5. Check back later, just give me a little while to make the trade!

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