
The signature household of family cohesion. Grandfather Sebastian, his daughter Celeste, her husband Christopher, and their two adopted kids, Atlas and Orion.

Even while she's an infant, Christopher makes sure to bring Orion out to enjoy their splashy pads.

Atlas launched into his teenage years, and suddenly just... became one of my personal favourites. He's unassuming and goofy and got the Bro trait while still preparing to chase his parents' dreams for his future career. He wants to become the First Bro In Space.

With Orion reaching childhood, Celeste decided to round out the family with another adoption... of whichever kid at the orphanage had the most space-related name.

Little Ray was obsessed with water.

With both parents enjoying success as start-up tech fiends, the family's got no shortage of money to support their kids. And with grandpa Sebastian helping out while Celeste and Chris are working, there's always someone to take care of whoever's at home.

Atlas decided to celebrate his teenage freedom by inviting almost every other teen to his place to party.

Celeste's adoption spree also included whichever dog had the most space-related name... we now have Archimedes.

Sebastian finally left the family when old age caught up to him in the middle of the kitchen.

The family's neighbour, Xochitl, was on good terms with Chris after dating him in the past, and she often asked to come over and visit. She's a single mother whose husband died in a fire. The first thing she did was cause part of the living room to combust.

Firefighters had to come and put the entire side of the house out. Xochitl is not coming over any more. Half this family is now afraid of fire and kept starting them whenever they used the grill. They also replaced most of the living room and got a new fireplace.

Fire fears dwindling, Atlas still brought all his friends over to hang while burning stuff.

Atlas also went on a date with his friend Elsa Bjergsen.

Winterfest! Teen Orion is very interested in athletics, and she got a boxing punchpag.

Atlas also went on a wintery park date with Diane Charm-Pleasant.

Little Ray is very studious and got little models of miniature planes to build.

Atlas also went on a date with Celeste Scott...

Just after Christopher joined his wife at the top of the tech career, they all celebrated a new year.