
Fervent environmentalist Makoa, his mixologist wife Lilliana, and their daughter Nani.

These two ended up having three daughters in total - Nani, Amoe, and Ali'ikai.
They originally shared their household with Duane Talla, who moved out separately.

While Amoe was rather shy, Ali'ikai was extremely popular across the island.

With her father's interest in the environment, Nani decided to go into botany and got the Loves Outdoors trait. She's also self-assured and, thanks to growing up around Duane before he moved out, is a Bro as well.

The family have a regular table at the local bar down on the beach.

Ali'ikai brought her friends over for her birthday.

Nani, meanwhile, could support herself as a research botanist, so she married her childhood friend and longtime crush Rangi.

The two moved into their own hut just a bit further along the lagoon, within sight of the family home.

Middle kid Amoe also aged up while partying with her boyfriend Ekewaka.

She was light and easygoing, with a dream of going into comedy and making people laugh.

After her birthday party she went home with Ekewaka Kahananui to live with him instead.

Ali'ikai started showing talent with a brush and canvas.

Makoa and Lilliana maxed out their careers and started to wind down towards retirement.

They stopped in just down the beach to visit Nani and meet their first grandchild.

Ali'ikai went on a date with Iolani Talla.

Still a teen who loved going partying with all the other teens, she also completed the Friend of the World aspiration.