
Parents Dominic and Moira are very close, but their daughters Siobhan and Morgan struggle to get along.

Siobhan, naturally popular and exclusive club leader, is a young adult who takes her professional life seriously.

Shooting up the rungs at her office job was high on her priority list.

Teen Morgan hung out with her Renegade club friends at the pool, though she was more trying to grasp her own identity and didn't quite fit in with them.

Siobhan took her fellow Paragon heart-throb Sergio out clubbing.

And she caused a scene in her office attire.

During a Paragons meet at their house the two became an item.

Father Dominic loves to DJ and combined practice with letting the Paragons have a private party sesh.

Moira, meanwhile, just tended to some select greenhouse cuttings with an eye on the family finances, fertilising them with fish she caught at the lake down the street.

Sergio and Siobhan started dating and he moved in, but even though he's the only member of the household who isn't a Fyres, that doesn't mean he can't start some. Morgan put him out and they bonded over it.

The Paragons became a full platoon of stylish ladies. (And Sergio. But he was at work.)

Morgan's teenage years weren't very smooth. She struggled to pull up her grades and got her first A just before her birthday. She spent time with the Renegades trying and failing to get them to like her, ending up with huge negative bars for every other member.

As a young adult, Morgan decided to stop trying to impress the mean crowd and just do her own thing. She cut her hair short and ditched the Renegades. Having grown up a black sheep compared to her overachieving sister, she gained the Jealous trait, but she and Siobhan have worked out a positive relationship despite the difficulties.
Shortly after growing up and establishing better terms with her family, Morgan then moved out to the Villareal household to live with her girlfriend.

After a stylish date, Siobhan proposed to Sergio.

Their cosy breakfasts involved listening to Dominic practice his music.

Not long after, the family convened for the wedding. There was a ghost sighting, but Siobhan wasn't going to let it ruin her day.

Two married paragons.

With her children fully grown, Moira had time for another hobby besides gardening and took up cutting gems to make fun trinkets for the family.

She also spent more time at the lake to just fish her cares away.

Dom enjoyed the fireplace channel. You just can't get that content anywhere else.

They were plagued with more fires when Dom's DJ suite exploded.

The next generation arrived with Siobhan and Sergio's son, Riordan.

Sergio also had a birthday makeover.

Through the winter, Moira's flourishing greenhouse brought them some long awaited financial comfort.

The growing family celebrated the new year.