
Mother Supriya wants to try out being a vet, which presents a problem. They have enough money to purchase a small veterinary practice. Justin's got a decent job in business, but it doesn't pay quite enough to offset the bills of their massive house. She's married to Justin and has two children, Pierce and Evie.

Everything's a bit of a mess for them for a while.

But their dog Blue had puppies!

Supriya does all right as a vet, and they juggle hours so she can work at her clinic while the kids are at school.

They also had kitten. Just one.

Pierce picked up Dog Lover and Active, and already knew he wanted to be a famous athlete.

At least their huge house made it easy for Evie to throw house parties and make friends with other teens.

Except for when their cat died in the middle of one.

Golden child Evie grew up to be a Cat Lover, a Genius, and Good.

Evie joined Sims Mensa and got to meet all the other Genius sims, including Kyle Kyleson.

And they hit it off, and got into discussions over world peace at her house.

Evie also adopted a horse, Misty.

She could even make Mrs Crumplebottom laugh.

Pierce, MVP of his sports team, quickly fell for his team's locker room attendant, Paolo, and their wedding was a small, private one.

You can't tell but the caterer was absolutely busting it down massively in the aisle.

And then Pierce, his husband, and the family dog all headed out to start their own household.

On a park outing, Evie and Kyle officially became a couple.

So I didn't realise until he took his clothes off but Kyle is ripped.

They were married and Kyle moved in.

Kyle had a great time telling jokes to Misty the horse, about what I don't know.

The house's extra bedroom was turned into a new baby's room as they welcomed their son, Theodore.

Supriya wound down her involvement with the vet practice as she got a bit older and became a hands-on grandma.

A retired Justin also pitched in while Evie regularly hurtled into space for work.

Theodore became a rowdy toddler always running off before anyone could catch him.

And Kyle.... tried.

Kyle's true calling was to party, even as he too grew older and more tempered.

Theodore liked parties too, dancing even when no one else was.