
Charm matriarch Minerva, her children Darrel and Gemma, and Darrel's fiancée, Emilia.

They started out a hectic mess. Emilia is high in the mixology career and Darrel is an office assistant, giving them a reasonable income. As young adults they focused on their careers before actually getting married, but when the day actually came, Emilia suffered a curse that turned her skin to melting green slop.
As amateur spellcasters it was a race against time to get a way to fix that curse before the ceremony, and was so stressful I didn't even take a screenshot until they got through it.
Minerva also died the next day.

Gemma starts out with the most dire haircut in the game, so she got a proper makeover.

And soon after the wedding, Darrel and Emilia had Lorelei.

Then, not long after that, Blaize.

Lorelei looked just fine as a kid...

And then this happened. The dire haircut made an unwelcome return. I did my best to even out her features.

Hopefully Blaize can beat the unfortunate face allegations.

Gemma grew up, and branched out from the family to start her own household with her wife.

Blaize joined his sister in teenagerhood and fared... a little better.

They family went out and came back to... the chandelier somehow being on fire. Thankfully Darrel and Emilia's ice spells quickly thwarted it.

Lorelei reached her adult years looking as good as I could manage.

Lorelei was something of a popular party girl, reaching the highest spellcaster level while her younger brother studied magic and did his homework.

Their family cat had two kittens, Luna and Astra.