
Bjorn is a secret agent and his wife Clara a caterer, with two prodigy daughters. They shouldn't be that dysfunctional by any means.

Sofia has a genius for a little sister and will try anything to get out of her shadow. Mummy's job is to drink.

An all-around wholesome Winterfest was managed.

As well as being in the local geniuses club, Elsa runs the League of Adventurers and invites the other kids over to use her playground, because she's clever enough to know how to aggressively integrate with a social group.

Bjorn, however, decided to immediately fall into a mid-life crisis. He started staying out late to get out and try new things.

Sofia would retreat to her room and spend hours songwriting to try and make a name for herself.

Clara helped her husband through his internal crisis with a romantic date to affirm their relationship.

Like, come on, dude. You're doing pretty ok.

Elsa grew up and left her Adventurers club in the hands of someone else to move forward into her teens.

As a member of the Paragons, Sofia hosted her fashionista club and everyone laughed at Sergio for making the classic faux pas: putting on a clown suit.

As a Good sim, Bjorn had something of a robust moral compass. He insisted on taking both girls to volunteer at a soup kitchen for Harvestfest, before they call came back to enjoy Clara's traditional roast turkey.

By young adulthood, Sofia had already written 3 guitar songs and was ready to try to make it as a musician.

The family decided to take a trip together to the jungle.

Sofia opened a treasure chest and got changed into a skeleton, and only wanted to freak her mother out with joint tricks.

They explored a lot and found the waterfall.

Each evening they came back to the local bar for fish tacos and to chat with locals. Sofia showed everyone her rib playing skills.

They managed to complete the jungle temple and received highly valuable golden plates to take home.