Amicable Acolytes

Grace and Tomax weren't born spellcasters, they became them, and live together as roommates while holding normal jobs alongside studying magic.

Magical households need a magical cat.

But he's just. He's so small. His name is Smudge.

While out in the Magical Realm I spotted this dude and have never decided to bring a townie into my lineage so fast. His fucking name? Goopy French.

Grace had several ongoing boyfriends, and Goopy was certainly one of them. Tomax meanwhile romanced L. Faba.

And before you knew it, they were parents. Tomax had the translucent Dorothy, and Grace had Seraphina. Don't mind the collection of frogs it's fine.

Seraphina, childe of Goopy, was surprisingly normal and popular.

Smudge had a kitten named Sprig, and Sprig and this floofy one had two kittens of their own.

Tomax's daughter, member of Paragons and often using her magic for mischief.

Grace's daughter, who takes things much more seriously and wants to settle down with a partner rather than her mother's way of doing things.