Full Name: Chalcedony
Role: Diamondguard (personal guard, assigned to Blue Diamond)
Age: Several eons
Blorbo: Peridot
Weapon: Scepter, changes to bracers after meeting Steven
A very old gem who spent millennia serving her Diamond without question. Chalcedonies are powerful pawns to be wielded at a Diamond's discretion, and they lack other powers beyond finesse and innate magical power. This Chalcedony had never regenerated and would be seen as having an old-fashioned appearance by her peers, as she'd never changed it. To ensure reliable servitude, gems of her type are conditioned to do anything for a Diamond, up to and including self-sacrifice.

art by twintastic
Some time before the Rebellion, Chalcedony would establish a rapport with a self-important technician Peridot. While Homeworld gems know nothing of companionship or affection they discovered something like it nonetheless. Enjoying each other's company instead of living to work, especially as a menial Peridot and a high member of Blue Diamond's court, risked drawing attention. But the daring Peridot found satisfaction in being listened to like she mattered, and Chalcedony enjoyed the opportunity to be light-hearted for once and make jokes at the other's expense, and they clung to whatever it was they'd stumbled into.

This insubordination was dealt with as soon as it was discovered.
Expendable, but not to the point of wasting capable resources, Peridot's punishment was to be factory reset by a crude prototype of a gem rejuvenator that momentarily cracked a gem apart at the atomic level before setting them back as they were, completely erasing their memories. Chalcedony's punishment was being left intact, aware of this loss, a warning to never put anyone else before her Diamonds again.
She was scared back into total compliance. The Crystal Gem Rebellion came and she regarded the insubordination with contempt. She had to live under Diamond rule, and so did everyone else.
Around 3,000 years before the current day, she spotted a familiar Peridot having finally circulated back into the workforce, now believing herself to be an Era 2 gem. Chalcedony was too nervous to re-introduce herself for some time, knowing the deterrant on their interactions, but when she did, she found Peridot dismissive and aloof.
Whatever conditions had sparked their mutual interest all those years ago could not be recreated, and Peridot cared very little for idle chatter. They eventually settled into softly competitive banter.

This Peridot would be sent to Earth after Steven was born, to inspect the forced gem cluster incubating in the Earth's core. She did not return as expected, noticed by nobody on Homeworld but Chalcedony, who finally realised that no matter how perfectly a gem performed her duties, they would always be replacable to the Diamond Authority. She finally found the urge to rebel and stole a barely fuelled craft to make an escape to Earth, having to use an ejection pod for half the journey, effectively stranding herself as well. Peridot wasn't all that enthused.
This led to Chalcedony exploring Earth alone. Her protective conditioning for the Diamonds transferred to an extreme loyalty to Peridot instead. Her time on Earth was first spent being lonely and morose.

However, she would end up meeting Steven (with drastic, very justified distrust from the other Crystal Gems) and immediately respecting his ability to intuit emotions. They believed Chalcedony to be a Diamond informant for some time. With Steven's advice she was able to resolve her heartache over what she and Peridot would never have again. They began a new friendship instead, as Chalcedony realised she could be happy getting to know this new Peridot instead of holding on to one who no longer existed.
They would eventually be able to voice their disagreements with the Diamonds in a direct confrontation, fusing into Larimar to show their mutual desire for self-determination. Larimar turned out to be a well-balanced and exuberant gem who balanced Peridot's insecurities out with effortless power, and Chalcedony's nerves with abundant confidence.

Chalcedony also has a tumblr tag!