Full Name: Cedilla
Role: Experimental Biologist at the Royal Labs
Blorbo: Sans
Soul Colour: Orange
Monsters, formed of fluctuating magic, don't often have much interest in the rules of biological processes. So Cedilla did not see much competition in taking a job at the Royal Labs, and isn't the kind of monster you'd expect to find working with the careful procedures of a laboratory.
Emphasis on the 'experimental' part of her job title.

With a caring interest in critters and how they work, Cedilla is just as wild and unruly as the test subjects she keeps in observation tanks on her side of the lab. Ask her a question and there's a high chance some sort of lizard might emerge from her hair and have to be carried back to its enclosure before you can get her attention.
Cedilla is an impertinent jokester who just happens to have a normal job, opposite her counterpart, Sans - the lab's experimental physicist and all-around exceptional rising star of the scientific community. While she and Sans worked hard, they also got up to some exceptionally silly hijinks on the side. Don't ask them to get something from the supply cupboard.

Other than providing the occasional annoyance to the other lab staff and encouraging Sans to steal their boss's keycard, her life was fairly mundane and comfortable. Her research didn't intersect with the true goals of the Royal Scientist for some time. She believed the more they discovered, the more opportunities the future would bring, and that widening their own understanding of the world might allow monsterkind to save themselves. She liked to go for walks in Waterfall and create little magical stars to toss at the ceiling and see if they would stick, glowing like twinkling gems in a pretend night sky.

Over time her work became more focused. Study of the body and soul, and how they were connected. Extraction and transference of what a body needed to survive - the sanguine, the melancholic, and the very will to live itself. She facilitated her boss's work, unaware of the sheer scope, unaware of how much influence she had on the machine they built.
It ended in a disaster. An accident that warped her direct superior, the man whose vision and brilliance she'd become so wrapped up in, and scattered him across space and time. He was unmade, expunged, unremembered, as perceptions huddled in to fill the void in reality. The position of Royal Scientist was vacant. It had been for many years.

". . . what do you two think?"
Sans resisted the scrambling of reality and retained his senses. Cedilla did not. She had been too enamoured by the possibilities, sharing a mental foundation that had ceased to exist. She took months to recover full consciousness, and even then, had no recollection of working at the labs at all.
Without making his influence known, Sans adjusted her life behind the scenes and arranged a clean break. She moved from Hotland to Snowdin. She picked up a simple job as an assistant at the librarby. Apart from the occasional sense of something she couldn't quite remember and a penchant for thumbing through scientific texts, she stayed her usual, quirky self. Even when Sans and his little brother relocated there too, he kept his distance and let her be.
As long as she was happy, he reasoned, the outcome was good enough.
Cedilla also has a tumblr tag!